Out of Bounds
Lillehammer minigolf
Our gift cards
Endelig kan du svinge kølla på Lillehammer også! Velkommen til din nye innendørs favorittaktivitet. Kast deg ut i en verden av lette og utfordrende hindringer, mens du prøver å imponere vennene dine med episke golfferdigheter (eller mangel på dem).
Vår innendørs 18-hullsbane er en gedigen lekeplass. Et perfekt sted å tilbringe fredagskvelden med vennegjengen, legge den første daten (så slipper du klein stillhet), eller ta med familien for en god, gammeldags familieduell.
Du finner oss i den gamle margarinfabrikken på Lillehammer. Et lite steinkast unna gågata. Vi ligger i bygget på andre siden av Rema 1000 Fåberggata (se etter en stor margarinpakke på taket).
Det tar kun ca. 5 min å rusle bort hit fra gågata, eller Lillehammer skysstasjon.
Nyt et bredt utvalg av drikkevarer og snacks mens du tar en pause fra golfspillet, eller kom innom for å nyte atmosfæren.
Velkommen til oss!
The gift card can be used here
Questions & answers
What is Givn?
Givn facilitates for Out of Bounds to sell gift cards online. We collect payment, create the gift cards and send them out on behalf of .Out of Bounds
For how long are the gift cards valid?
The gift cards are valid for a minimum of one year. Check each individual gift card to see how long it is valid for. By using our Extension Guarantee, the recipient can ask us to extend the validity period at any time.
What does the gift card look like?
The gift cards have different designs, depending on how you choose to give it.
The printable version you print yourself has a nice design that is suitable for putting in an envelope or gift box. The digital version is suitable for viewing on a mobile phone and has useful features such as balance, maps and more.
Are there any fees?
Individuals do not pay any fees. You only pay for the value of the gift cards you purchase. There are also no fees for the recipient of the gift cards.
Companies pay a service fee to Givn for using the business solution.
How do you find a lost gift card?
You can safely and easily search for gift cards that have been lost via "Your gift cards" on Givn.no. Or by contacting Givn.
Can I deliver digitally?
Yes, you can send the gift card by SMS if you're unable to give it in person. In this case, the recipient opens the gift card on their mobile phone.